Kanebo Vitamin C & Collagen Whitening Mask (20ml x 5)


- Suitable for all skins, each mask contains 20ml of essence with Vitamin C Whitening content.
- Moisturizing mask penetrates deep into the skin to bring smooth, clear and lustrous skin.
- 3 dimensional mask designed to fit your face.

After cleansing and toning, place mask on face for 10-15 minutes . 20mins for very dry skin. Remove and massage the remaining essence until it is totally absorbed. Follow up with a moisturizer for complete protection. Recommended to use 1-3 times per week.

深層美白面膜 另有肌美精深層保濕面膜
- 適合所有皮膚,每個包含精華20ml與維生素C。
- 深入皮膚, 帶來光滑,清楚和發光澤的皮膚。
- 3尺寸面具設計, 適合您的面孔。

洗面後,10-15分鐘。 非常干性皮肤的20mins。 并且按摩剩余的精華,直到它完全被吸收。 推薦使用每個星期1-3次。

Kanebo Petit Garden (Oil Clear Sheet) (150 pieces)


Oil blotting touchup paper, smooth, not harm for skin.

吸力特強 100% new from Japan.
天然麻100% 吸油紙150枚入, 天然柔和,去掉油脂, 無損肌膚.

Kanebo TIFFA Wink GLitter (2.5g)


With the light & prism pearl combination which raise the optical reflecting effect, which have a 3D impressive.



Kanebo TIFFA Super Gloss (8g)


2 Colors: Pink and Pearl

No coloring nor flavouring, this lip gloss nourish your lip with Natural Olive Oil. Moisturizing effect last for a long time.


1. 用唇刷沾取適量後均勻塗抹於唇部。
2. 使用後,請以面紙輕拭唇筆後放回瓶內,並請確實旋緊唇蜜蓋。

Kanebo TIFFA Mascara (Volumn) (Black) (7g)


A mascara base that moisturize and pump up the volume of lashes. Formulated with natural fiber and olive oil, this mascara base can cover every single lash perfectly and create curly lashes, providing a long lasting effect for you following mascara.

顯目的濃黑色,視覺上讓眼睛更加增大有神,添加的超細微纖維, 能夠讓睫毛又密又濃,且纖維能夠持續的將睫毛保持捲翹弧度。


1. 先用睫毛夾夾翹睫毛。
2. 由睫毛的根部以Z字型向上塗刷。
3. 下睫毛及眼尾處短小睫毛,請利用刷頭尖端塗刷。
4. 待塗刷好的睫毛膏乾後,再使用睫毛夾夾翹,更能維持長時間的捲翹效果。
5. 卸除睫毛膏時,請用40度溫水以指尖輕拭卸除。

Kanebo Q10 Paper Mask (25ml x 5 pieces)


The rejuvenating co-enzyme Q10 moisturizing facial mask that slips on luxuriously to bring concentrated firming and hydrating benefits to skin. Infused with an intensive treatment essence that rapidly penetrates deep into the core of the skin cells. Specially developed with Co-Enzyme Q10 and Soy Isofrabone to promote youthful, firm skin. The waffle sheet mask containing 25ml of milky essence will absorb into your skin. For tired, dehydrated and saggy

After cleansing and toning, put on the mask for 5-15 minutes. Remove it and massage the remaining essence until it is totally absorbed. Follow up with a moisturizer for complete protection. Use 1-2 times a week.

Q10 + 大豆精華 + 肌美精 成分配合, 使肌膚回復緊緻彈力

臉洗淨,取出面膜敷於肌膚上, 5-15分鐘後再將面膜撕下, 用手輕拍留在肌膚上的美容液使之滲入肌膚細胞。再補上 Lotion/Cream.

Kanebo TIFFA Rouge Gloss


4 Colors: Brown, Stawberry, Rose Red and Brick Red

Kanebo Tiffa Rouge Gloss is a moisturizing and translucent lip gloss creates watery and shining lips.
